RECON is stabilizing historic Manufactured Gas Plant contaminants from a 2.5-acre site to prevent further migration to surrounding areas.

The project
After meeting with city officials to gain the necessary permits and licenses to perform work, RECON mobilized and established traffic controls, erosion, and sediment controls, and installed temporary fencing to delineate project limits.
The site is located at a busy, high-traffic intersection that has required ongoing traffic management and working with the police department, local residences, and public transportation, with work being completed in stages to avoid shutting down the intersection.
- Performed deep soil mixing, stabilizing 57,000 cubic yards of soil using RECON-owned BG-39 Bauer drill rig and onsite portable slurry plant
- Excavated 38,000 cubic yards of MGP-contaminated soil
- Performed emission control and monitoring
- Excavated and dewatered soil and former structure foundation
- Transported and disposed of 60,000 tons of waste for thermal treatment
- Performed asbestos abatement and demolition of a 1-story building
Project facts
Keller business unit(s)
Main contractor(s)