RECON has experienced, Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) trained project managers, superintendents, senior equipment operators, and support personnel who have completed mining-related remediation projects.

Mining services


Our crews are experienced in working adjacent to operating mines and performing reclamation activities on inactive mine sites, nonoperational sites, and secluded areas. RECON is a self-performing contractor that takes great pride in each project's success. 

Our key mine services include:

  • Mine-Related Remediation, including removal actions, construction of containment systems, soil, and groundwater treatment via stabilization/solidification
  • Waste rock and tailings regrading, capping (synthetic and earthen), and revegetation
  • Pit backfilling to manage long-term pit lake water quality
  • Haul road and drill site abandonment and reclamation
  • Vegetation management
  • Construction, operation, and maintenance of groundwater treatment systems and stormwater management features
  • Stream stabilization
  • Voids, adits, and shaft closure
  • Utility abandonment
  • Decommissioning and demolition
  • Site security and access control